Corpse Pose
Corpse Pose, also called Savasana in Sanskrit, is the final resting pose of yoga. It may look incredibly simple, but the total surrender and relaxation required makes it more difficult than meets the eye.
Common Name: Corpse Pose
Sanskrit Name: Savasana (shuh-VAHS-ah-nah)
Level: Beginner
Pose Type: Reclined, Resting Pose, Restorative
Target Areas: Full Body
Savasana, or Corpse Pose, is a fundamental yoga pose often practiced at the end of a session for deep relaxation and rejuvenation. This lying-down posture promotes physical and mental restoration by allowing the body to release tension and stress. It aids in reducing anxiety, improving concentration, and cultivating a sense of inner peace. An interesting facet of Savasana is its paradoxical simplicity; despite its seemingly passive nature, it requires focused mindfulness to truly surrender and enter a state of profound relaxation. This pose serves as a vital component in achieving a balanced and holistic yoga practice, providing a sacred space for both physical and mental renewal.
Corpse Pose Steps
Corpse Pose variation using a bolster for knee support
Step 1
Start by lying all the way down on your back.
Step 2
Allow your feet to fall open a little wider than your hips, and allow your arms to relax down by your sides, a little wider than your shoulders. Palms facing up. If you wish, you may also place one hand on your heart and one on your belly.
Step 3
Settle into the pose, relaxing the shoulders away from the ears, finding length in the spine and neck.
Step 4
Allow thoughts to come and go. If you notice any physical sensations, acknowledge them without having to change them. Allow your breath to return to its natural rhythm. It's recommended to stay in this pose for at least 10 minutes, or as long as you feel comfortable. The longer you stay in the pose, the more your mind will settle down, and you may even enter a meditative state.
Step 5
To exit this pose, roll over to one side and pause in a fetal position for a few breaths. Gently push yourself up to a seated position.
Corpse Pose variation with a bolster placed under the head and torso
To make this pose more comfortable, you can place a bolster or pillow under your knees, or place your head or neck on a pillow or folded blanket. This is also recommended for anyone with a back or spinal injury.
To deepen the stretch in the chest, you can place a yoga block, bolster, or rolled blanket lengthwise underneath your shoulder blades, allowing more space for your shoulders to fall down towards the earth.
Pregnant women or anyone who feels uncomfortable lying on their back should elevate their head and torso with a bolster and blocks.
• Stretches the chest, neck, shoulders, and lower back
• Calms the nervous system
• Relieves stress and anxiety
• Back or spinal injury
• Pregnancy