Benefits of Naked Yoga
Whether you’re new to yoga or a seasoned expert, you may be wondering whether there are any real advantages to performing this already challenging exercise in your birthday suit. One of the foremost components of yoga is the practice of focusing on the present moment (also called mindfulness), and isn’t that difficult enough without the added worry of being totally nude in front of strangers?
“If you’re not quite ready to be nude in the presence of others just yet, doing naked yoga at home can be a great way to ease you into the practice”
Though it might seem counterintuitive, removing the physical barriers of clothing also helps many people remove the mental barriers they often face during their yoga practice, by allowing them to be completely open and vulnerable. If you’ve ever had to give a speech or presentation, you’re probably familiar with the idea of imagining everyone in the crowd is naked, to help you feel less anxious. Practicing nude yoga can have a similar effect, since everyone around you has equally removed their ‘armor’ so to speak, allowing you to feel less intimidated or insecure.
If you’re not quite ready to be nude in the presence of others just yet, doing naked yoga at home can be a great way to ease you into the practice, or at the very least, can encourage you to feel more comfortable being naked on your own if this is something you struggle with. Our programs are designed to be enjoyed in the privacy of your own home and at all levels of dress or undress, depending on your comfort level.
What are the Benefits of Naked Yoga
The benefits of naked yoga are numerous and personal to each individual yogi, but some of the most widely reported benefits by those who enjoy it, are:
A stronger mind-body connection
Improved sense of self-love and acceptance of the body just as it is
Increased self-awareness and sensitivity to one’s environment
Greater freedom of physical movement without the constrictions of clothing
Fewer distractions from adjusting clothing during the practice
If you’d like to explore how Naked Yoga can benefit you today, our comprehensive programs can be streamed instantly in the privacy of your own home.