Bird of Paradise Pose
Svarga Dvijasana
Explore the grace and strength of Bird of Paradise Pose, blending flexibility and balance while symbolizing freedom and empowerment.
Svarga Dvijasana, often known as Bird of Paradise Pose, is an intermediate yoga posture renowned for its combination of strength, flexibility, and grace. This complex standing asana offers numerous benefits, including the strengthening of the legs, core, and shoulders, while also enhancing balance and concentration. Additionally, Svarga Dvijasana encourages a deep opening of the hips and chest, promoting greater flexibility and mobility in these areas. This pose symbolizes freedom and liberation, reflecting the essence of a bird spreading its wings in flight.
Bird of Paradise Pose Steps
Step 1
Starting Position: Begin standing tall at the top of your mat in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), with your feet hip-width apart and arms by your sides.
Step 2
Grounding: Shift your weight onto your left foot, rooting down through all four corners of the foot to establish a strong foundation.
Step 3
Leg Lift: Lift your right leg off the ground, bending the knee and drawing it toward your chest. Engage your core muscles to maintain balance.
Step 4
Half-Bind: Reach your right arm behind your right leg and clasp your right ankle or shin, creating a half-bind position. Keep the chest lifted and the spine tall.
Step 5
Extend the Leg: Straighten your right leg forward, extending it as much as you can while maintaining the grip with your right hand. Keep the foot flexed to engage the leg muscles.
Step 6
Arm Extension: Extend your left arm overhead, reaching toward the sky with your palm facing forward. Keep the shoulder relaxed and away from the ears.
Step 7
Torso Rotation: Begin to rotate your torso to the left, opening the chest and hips to the side. Use your core strength to support the movement and maintain stability.
Step 8
Full Expression: Continue rotating your torso until it is parallel to the extended right leg. Reach your left arm out to the side, parallel to the floor, or extend it upward toward the sky.
Step 9
Gaze: Find a focal point to help maintain balance and focus your gaze on it. Keep the breath steady and smooth throughout the pose.
Step 10
Hold and Release: Hold the pose for a few breaths, enjoying the stretch and the sense of openness in the body. To release, gently lower the extended leg and return to Mountain Pose. Repeat on the other side.
Practice patience and mindfulness as you explore this challenging pose, and listen to your body's signals to avoid pushing beyond your limits. With regular practice and dedication, you can gradually build strength, flexibility, and balance in Bird of Paradise pose.
Bird of Paradise pose variation with bent knee
Use a Strap: If reaching your ankle is challenging, use a yoga strap looped around your foot to extend your reach and provide assistance.
Bent Knee Variation: If straightening the lifted leg is difficult, keep the knee of the lifted leg bent instead of fully extending it forward.
Assisted Balance: Practice the pose near a wall or use a chair for support to help maintain balance while working on the posture.
Use a Partner: Have a yoga partner assist you by holding your extended leg or providing support as you work on the full expression of the pose.
• Strengthens Legs
• Improves Balance
• Increases Flexibility
• Opens Chest
• Focuses Mind
• Recent Lower Body Injury
• Shoulder or Neck Issues
• Balance Challenges
• Pregnancy
• High Blood Pressure