Shoulderstand Pose is a powerful inversion that strengthens the core, improves circulation, and calms the mind. Known as the “queen of all yoga poses,” it promotes hormonal balance, boosts immunity, and enhances overall well-being.
Read MorePlow Pose deeply stretches the spine and hamstrings, while calming the mind and reducing stress. This inversion improves flexibility, aids digestion, and promotes better circulation.
Read MoreStanding Split Pose uniquely emphasizes hamstring flexibility and balance without gravity assistance. It engages muscles to lift one leg skyward, deepening the stretch and enhancing overall strength, making it a dynamic addition to your yoga practice.
Read MoreExplore the grace and strength of Bird of Paradise Pose, blending flexibility and balance while symbolizing freedom and empowerment.
Read MoreRevolved Lunge Pose is a powerful twisting variation of Anjaneyasana or Crescent Pose, which enhances flexibility in the hip flexors, hamstrings, and quadriceps while simultaneously strengthening the core and improving balance.
Read MoreHalf Pigeon Pose aka Ardha Kapotasana is a deep, multi-tasking hip opener that increases the range of motion in the hip flexors, outer hips, glutes, and even helps to relieve back pain.
Read MoreUncover the grace and strength of Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana) as you explore its physical and mental benefits. Dive into this step-by-step guide to improve balance, strengthen your core and legs, and unlock the beauty of this captivating yoga pose.
Read MoreUnlock your inner strength and balance with Warrior III pose. Discover the physical and mental benefits of this dynamic posture while learning step-by-step instructions on how to achieve proper alignment and build stability in your yoga practice.
Read MoreThree-Legged Downward Facing Dog Pose, is a variation of the classic Downward Dog that offers an extra challenge to your core, shoulders, and legs. Learn how in 7 easy steps.
Read MoreCrow Pose aka Bakasana is an intermediate arm balance that stretches and strengthens the arms, wrists, shoulders, and back.
Read MoreDancer Pose aka Natarajasana is an intermediate-to-advanced standing backbend that opens the chest and shoulders while strengthening the legs and core.
Read MoreSun Salutation B aka Surya Namaskar B is an intermediate sequence of 19 traditional yoga postures that open the heart and invigorate the entire body.
Read MoreHalf Lord of the Fishes Pose aka Ardha Matsyendrasana is an intermediate seated spinal twist that is both restorative and energizing.
Read MoreCamel Pose aka Ustrasana is an intermediate kneeling backbend that stretches and strengthens the whole body.
Read MoreEagle Pose aka Garudasana is an intermediate standing balancing pose that opens the back and shoulders, while strengthening the legs and hips.
Read MoreFour-Limbed Staff Pose aka Chaturanga is much more than just a yoga push-up. It is a foundational asana and it’s important to do it properly.
Read MoreBoat Pose is a seated balancing pose that looks easy, but actually requires a great deal of balance, strength, and focus to do correctly.
Read MoreBow Pose aka Dhanurasana is an intermediate backbend and chest-opener pose that will have you feeling energized and accomplished.
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