Boat Pose is a seated balancing pose that looks easy, but actually requires a great deal of balance, strength, and focus to do correctly.
Read MoreBow Pose aka Dhanurasana is an intermediate backbend and chest-opener pose that will have you feeling energized and accomplished.
Read MoreBy practicing Bridge Pose pose regularly, you can improve your posture, increase flexibility in the spine and hips, and experience greater calm and relaxation.
Read MoreCamel Pose aka Ustrasana is an intermediate kneeling backbend that stretches and strengthens the whole body.
Read MoreCat pose aka Marjaryasana is an all-levels back-opening core pose.
Read MoreChair Pose aka Utkatasana is an all-levels standing pose that strengthens the core and legs while stretching the shoulders, chest, and abdomen.
Read MoreChild’s pose aka Balasana is a beginner-friendly pose that is every yogi's sanctuary, and is always available when rest is needed.
Read MoreCow Pose aka Bitilasana is often paired with Cat Pose as a gentle flow that softens the spine and warms up the body for your practice.
Read MoreCrescent Pose aka Anjaneyasana is a beginner-to intermediate standing backbend pose that stretches and strengthens the hip flexors and quads.
Read MoreCrow Pose aka Bakasana is an intermediate arm balance that stretches and strengthens the arms, wrists, shoulders, and back.
Read MoreDancer Pose aka Natarajasana is an intermediate-to-advanced standing backbend that opens the chest and shoulders while strengthening the legs and core.
Read MoreDownward Facing Dog aka Adho Mukha Svanasana is an all-levels forward bend and mild inversion, and one of the most common poses in yoga.
Read MoreEagle Pose aka Garudasana is an intermediate standing balancing pose that opens the back and shoulders, while strengthening the legs and hips.
Read MoreExtended Puppy Pose aka Uttana Shishosana is simultaneously a backbend and a forward fold, and is great to lengthen the spine and calm the mind.
Read MoreFour-Limbed Staff Pose aka Chaturanga is much more than just a yoga push-up. It is a foundational asana and it’s important to do it properly.
Read MoreHalf Lord of the Fishes Pose aka Ardha Matsyendrasana is an intermediate seated spinal twist that is both restorative and energizing.
Read MoreKing Pigeon Pose, also known as Mermaid Pose or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, is a popular yoga posture that combines deep hip opening and backbending.
Read MoreThe Ujjayi breath, or Victorious breath, is a pranayamic breathing technique that detoxifies the body and enhances Vinyasa flows.
Read MoreSide Plank Pose aka Vasisthasana is a beginner-to-intermediate arm balance that fires up the core and upper body muscles.
Read MoreStanding Forward Bend aka Uttanasana is a beginner-friendly forward fold that opens up the hips, hamstrings, and back, while also bringing a sense of tranquility to the mind and nervous system.
Read MoreSun Salutation B aka Surya Namaskar B is an intermediate sequence of 19 traditional yoga postures that open the heart and invigorate the entire body.
Read MoreThree-Legged Downward Facing Dog Pose, is a variation of the classic Downward Dog that offers an extra challenge to your core, shoulders, and legs. Learn how in 7 easy steps.
Read MoreTree Pose aka Vrksasana is a beginner-friendly one-legged balancing asana that cultivates mindfulness and focus.
Read MoreTriangle Pose aka Trikonasana is a beginner-friendly standing pose that is an essential building block towards achieving more challenging postures.
Read MoreUpward Facing Dog aka Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is a foundational asana and essential link between Chaturanga and Downward Dog.
Read MoreWarrior II Pose aka Virabhadrasana II is a continuation in the Warrior series. It utilizes the majority of muscle groups and requires a tremendous amount of focus to keep your form aligned properly.
Read MoreWide-Legged Forward Bend aka Prasarita Padottanasana is a life-changing forward fold that stretches and strengthens the back of the legs and lengthens the spinal column at the same time.
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